
4th Annual Salmon Headwaters Cleanups!

Written by portland | Aug 19, 2015 9:41:51 PM

Join Snowrider & Surfrider Foundation for our 4th annual Salmon Headwaters Cleanup!! The event will take place on two weekends, September 12th & 18th! 

Signup for Events

Mt Hood: Mt Hood Cleanup

Sandy River: Sandy River Cleanup


September 12th - 10:00am-1:00pm

Give some love back to Hood on the 12th and come out to pray for a good snow year! Mountain biking festivities will proceed before and after the Hood love session! Pack your tents and make a weekend out of it!!!

September 19th - 10:00am-2:00pm

Come and paddle down the Sandy river on the 19th to cleanup this wonderful recreational spot! The Lower Sandy Floating Cleanup is focused on reducing trash with a watershed-wide impact. Coordinated by the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council, in partnership with Stout Creek Outfitters, Oregon State Parks, and others. Volunteers of all skill levels are welcome, just bring your own boat and PFD, appropriate clothing to get wet and walk along rocky beaches, and water to drink. We will meet at Lewis and Clark State Recreation Area, and leave cars to shuttle to our launch point at Dabney State Park. Bring your own boat and PFD if you'd like to participate in the floating clean-up, otherwise you can help clean up the banks of the Sandy River near Lewis and Clark!

Check out last years photos from Mt. Hood!!
