
Storm Drains Marked, Frozen S'mores Chomped!

Written by Charlie Plybon | Jun 20, 2012 6:30:27 AM

Surfrider volunteers have been volunteering on the City of Portland's Storm Drain Marking Project. After the winter rains have mostly gone, we've been getting out once a month to mark drains with placards that help remind people to keep wastes out of the drains, as they eventually all lead downstream to our rivers, lakes and oceans.

Some of our Rockin' Volunteers!

This past Tuesday, ten volunteers marked a total of 80 storm drains, and hung about 300 doorhangers in the neighborhoods north of Peninsula Park in NE Portland.

Getting together and marking a bunch of drains was a great way to do service in commemoration of International Surfing Day, which is tomorrow! To celebrate, and in line with recent storm drain marking tradition with we shared an awesome dessert after marking... frozen chocolate peanut butter s'mores!

Come next month, mark some drains and eat the next delicious dessert with a bunch of good folks!