Heads up Portland, your beloved Shorties is now part of an official marine reserve! The Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and Protected Areas went into affect as of January 1, 2016! Marking the start of Oregon’s 5th in a statewide system of reserves and protected areas is certainly something to celebrate and important for recreational users visiting the site to be aware of and support ongoing compliance and stewardship. As if you didn’t need another reason to keep it clean while visiting Short Sands, the designation and implementation of these special ecological protections to conserve ocean wildlife should further reinforce your low-impact visit to Shorties. With kickoff celebrations scheduled by local community groups, there’s many upcoming opportunities to learn more about this newly implemented marine reserve at one of Oregon’s most popular tourism and recreational destinations.
See below for details on the first kickoff party, should be a blast with live music, great local food and awesome beer from de Garde and Fort George! I know the Friends group could use some help, so if you plan on heading out please consider pitching in for an hour or two. https://www.volunteersignup.org/DBF7Y

For more information on the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve and the restrictions now in affect, check out this informative post: https://oregon.surfrider.org/short-sands-ushers-in-new-year-with-new-protections/