Kick off November right by joining us at our chapter meeting TONIGHT @ 7pm at Green Dragon, for a talk by one of Oregon Surfrider's dear friends, Chrissy Smith, Outreach Coordinator for Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. In 2012 Oregon designated 5 marine reserves within State waters, Cape Falcon, Cascade Head, Otter Rock, Cape Perpetua, and Redfish Rocks. For one of the most beach and ocean-friendly states in the continental United States, designations of protected areas for the purposes of conservation of critical habitat, and scientific data collection and analysis are paramount to understanding and better serving our ocean habitat.

Come and support this great organization and cause, and learn about Oregon's newest reserve, Cape Falcon that went into effect as recently as January 1, 2016. Check out this video for more info.

About the speaker: "Chrissy Smith has a MS from Oregon State University in Science Education with a focus in free-choice learning and a minor in Marine Resource Management. She holds and BS in oceanography from University of South Carolina. Chrissy has also worked with the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council, Oregon Sea Grant, and Tillamook Forest Center. Chrissy lives in Tillamook and enjo ys hiking local trails and beaches with her husband, 2 kids and their dog, Madrone."
Looking forward to seeing you there! Again, 7pm at the Green Dragon. RSVP here!