This month, the Green Streets crew made a new route around our neighborhood, picking up trash along Alberta and Killingsworth Streets as well as from out 10 or so bioswales and streets in between. The ghostly crew did an excellent job, picking up about 60 gallons of litter (that's enough to fill one of your big home garbage roll carts)!
After all of the ghostly fun, we chowed down on a bunch of ice cream sandwiches. Thanks to all for coming out on this nice fall night, and helping keep our local streets and waterways clean! On to rainy season!!!
If you're interested in helping keep our local neighborhoods and waterways clean, shoot us an email, and we'll get you set to help out on our next cleanup. Green Streets is a great partnership between the City of Portland and Surfrider Portland. Green Streets happens the third Tuesday of each month in North Portland. Its basically a walking trash picking up party. Join us!
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