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Stormdrain Marking Cancelled for Tonight

Rain, rain go away!
We're going to have to mark stormdrains another day.

With the thunderstorms overnight, and the likelyhood of more showers through the day, we're unfortunately going to have to cancel stormdrain marking for tonight, as we need 8-12 hours of dry weather to completely dry out the porous concrete to make it the adhesive stick.

Our next stormdrain marking dates are set for Tuesday August 16th, and Monday August 22nd, both dates we'll meet at 6:00pm, and will again attempt to mark in the SE 10th and Franklin neighborhood. Hopefully Noah's Ark won't be floating by at that point. : )

Thanks for your interest, enthusiasm and patience. We'll get some dry weather soon, and put ya'll to work.

If you're interested in helping out with future markings, we can always use more volunteers! Sign up with Gregg: